Editor, Townsman:

I am writing to ask for your support of Sandis Wright for the Andover School Committee. As a 28-year Andover elementary school teacher, former Andover resident and community volunteer, and having raised 3 children with diverse abilities and needs in Andover, I know wholeheartedly what we need, and what Andover is capable of accomplishing, with the right leadership.

We need Sandis Wright. I know Sandis as a parent to one of my second-grade students at Bancroft Elementary School. His ability to support and advocate for his children’s needs is vital and transferable to a committee member’s ability to understand and advocate for all students’ needs. Sandis supported me, as his child’s teacher, in any efforts I needed to help his child or any other child.

His involvement in the school and the community, whether the Bancroft PTO, Doherty PAC, A Better Chance of Andover, Cultural Climate Committee, Parent to Parent Andover and Andover DIVERSE speaks volumes for who Sandis is, what he believes, and how he can best support the students, families and teachers in the Andover Community.

Since I’m no longer an Andover resident, I cannot vote in Andover’s local election, but I’m asking you to PLEASE VOTE in my place for Sandis Wright.

Dianne Caraviello,
York, Maine