Editor, Townsman;

I’m writing in support of Sandis Wright for School Committee. When I think of Sandis, the word that comes to mind is “commitment”. I first met Sandis when he was recruited to join the board of A Better Chance (ABC) of Andover. As a fellow board member, I’ve had the opportunity to work with Sandis closely on matters important to ABC and to our community. Through that work, I’ve seen his commitment to our schools and to our Town.

Sandis is led by a commitment to his values, and when he sees a need, he steps up and he follows through. I’ve observed first hand what a committed and collaborative leader he is, asking thoughtful questions, listening to other opinions, and working with others to identify and implement solutions.

As a former Finance Committee member, I understand the important role of the School Committee and the time and thought required to fully understand the issues. Sandis has taken the time to learn what is required of the role and does not take the commitment lightly. He will dig in to learn about the issues, listen to the community, and never forget the most important commitment he is making — to ensure that Andover Public Schools delivers a positive and supportive learning environment for all of our kids. Please join me in voting for Sandis Wright.

Bonnie Zahorik,
President, A Better Chance of Andover